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Whether buying a new property, maintaining or selling your own home, a Building and Pest Inspection is essential to assist you in understanding the overall condition of the property.

Not all homes are built or maintained to the same standard. When completing building and pest inspections we identify structural concerns, moisture build up, pest attacks, and major and minor defects that may otherwise go undetected. We also identify safety hazards within and around the property. If you are purchasing or own an older property it is likely the building codes will have changed since the property was built and your property may pose some safety risks. At Informed Building Inspections, we pride ourselves on being able to provide you with a comprehensive inspection, detailed report and follow up consultations. Our goal is to give you the best understanding of the property in order to calculate immediate and/or future maintenance costs so you can confidently purchase your new property.

We are often asked what an inspection includes and why should we get a building and pest inspection? The examples below and those in our gallery show exactly why we recommend an inspection. An open home and casual inspections only allow you to get a general idea of the property. Due to a property being such an expensive purchase, we recommend engaging a qualified inspector to inspect your property thoroughly using non-invasive techniques and equipment. In Queensland a Building Inspector must also be a qualified builder.  

Below is a list of real defect examples we have identified during inspections:

  • Active Termites found in decorative wood or building materials positioned next to houses or scattered throughout the yard
  • Undisclosed termite damage throughout properties. Sellers who have attempted to conceal known termite attacks or workings
  • No fall prevention on second story windows
  • High moisture readings in rooms, particularly those walls around older showers
  • Damage to cabinetry due to moisture penetration
  • Rotting wood to decks and extensive wood rot on fences
  • Loose wiring and railings on verandahs or stairs
  • Water leaks and damage to the sub floor of houses below wet areas requiring extensive repair
  • Improper installation of roofing materials
  • Rusting that requires immediate attention such as on structural posts or to roofing material
  • Sagging ceilings which was due to water ingress 
  • Uneven flooring that could signify structural movement
  • Drummy (loose) tiling that poses a safety hazard
  • Extensive structural cracking due to movement. Internal and external cracking to areas such as ceilings, plaster/walls, brickwork. This may indicate serious structural concerns that require investigation.
  • Storm and hail damage not rectified under insurance from previous owner
  • Conducive conditions for termites 
  • Termite barriers not fitted correctly or if installed, obscured
  • Properties with intentionally concealed dilapidation or defects

This is just a short list of examples from recent inspections.

Major and Minor Defects

What does this mean?

When conducting a Building and Pest Inspection, the inspector will determine if the defect warrants a Major or Minor labelling. Major and Minor defects are determined based on the relevant Australian Standards.  Defects are listed and photographed in the inspection report, and discussed with the client to ensure they understand the full scope of the problem. They can then contact appropriate trades to further investigate the defect or determine associated costs with repairs. The examples listed above are all defects we have identified for our clients. It is uncommon that a property would not have any Major defects, unless it is in an above average condition. 

Identifying these defects meant our clients could then negotiate on the property for the defects to be repaired, engage follow up trades to provide quotes to rectify defects once the property was purchased, or determine potential property costs for the future. We regularly work with clients who are looking to prepare their home for sale and want to ensure that any defects are rectified prior to listing. Our inspections can also support current home owners in insurance claims, general property maintenance, and help to rectify any damage or safety concerns within their current home. 

Do You Need a Building and Pest Inspection?

We encourage you to think of your property like you would your car, by providing ongoing maintenance and servicing, and ensuring any defects or damage are rectified so that it isn’t the catalyst for further deterioration in the future. Engaging a Building and Pest Inspector is your first step in ensuring your property remains in good condition. This is particularly essential when purchasing a property. A pre-purchase inspection could save you time and money in the long term to avoid investing your money in a property that has concealed Major defects. We encourage you to engage an independent inspector to ensure you are their priority when conducting an inspection. 

At Informed Building Inspections we provide a quality service where you can expect honesty and integrity, experience and communication to ensure you are putting your money into a quality investment. Contact Scott on 0417665477 to arrange your inspection or visit us at to learn more about our business and what we do.